
Celery Root and Potato Mash

Celery Root and Potato Mash

I’m about to change the way you feel about celery root…

We are days out from the holiday vacation (for me anyways) and I wanted to share a recipe from the Surviving the Holidays Guide.

One of the criticisms leveled against the holiday meal is that it is heavy, and often the biggest culprit is Potatoes…you know the ones, the smooth and creamy mashed potatoes. 

I love them.

I often take seconds.

And in the past this vice of mine had me snoozin’ within 30 minutes of eating…but times have changed.

Potatoes aren’t the issue; there’s actually so many benefits to potatoes, like their high level of immunity boosting vitamin C. 

But alas, the glucose.

Here’s how I fixed mashed potatoes…(fully acknowledging for some people they were never broken in the first place).

I added celery root and cottage cheese.

Now you already know my love for cottage cheese, because of it’s protein content, but the saviour here is the celery root.

Celery root contains antioxidants that help combat inflammation (which we all need to be mindful of), and it’s also a good source of vitamin B-complex, vitamin C and vitamin K. And it’s fibrous as hell, meaning it’s the clothes on this carb. And paired with the protein from the cottage cheese and we have a dupe that even the mashed potato purists will love (or not notice at all).

The Recipe

  • 3 large Idaho potatoes, cut into 1-inch cubes, held in water until ready to use
  • Kosher salt
  • 1 large celery root, tough outer parts removed, cut into 1-inch cubes
  • 1 to 1 1/2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 stick cold butter, cut into pats

Place the potatoes in a pot large enough to accommodate the celery root and the potatoes. Add enough water to cover the vegetables by 2 inches and season generously with salt. Bring to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes. Add the celery root and cook until both vegetables are fork tender. Strain the celery root and potatoes.

Pour the cream in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Meanwhile, pass the celery root and potatoes through a food mill into a large bowl. Add one-quarter of the hot cream and 2 pats of the butter. Stir vigorously until the cream and butter are thoroughly combined. 

Repeat for the remaining cream and butter. Taste for seasoning, you will probably have to add salt. Serve in a warm serving bowl immediately or keep warm until ready to use.


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