
Social Distancing COVID19 Distractions

Social Distancing COVID19 Distractions

I’m in my 5th week of social distancing, meaning your girl hasn’t been physically social in over 27 DAYS. 

  • Week one I immersed myself in TikTok dances and baked cakes.
  • Week two I started sharing cooking videos and cooking Q+A
  • Week three I immersed myself in work by grading final projects for my Food Business students and partnering with companies for giveaways
  • Week four was when boredom set in HARD
  • Week five started with a #CookForACause charity event…and here we are.

This week, I’ve decided, social distancing is about distraction- memes be damned; because I don’t care what people say, distractions are nice. I’ve felt all the feelings, I’ve cried, I’ve overcommitted to zoom hangouts/trivia games and now I’m doing whatever the hell I want.

So in the name of doing whatever the hell you want, here are some excellent social distancing distractions- for whatever vibe you’re on!


Week one of social distancing I listened to so much music, as one does while cooking and learning tik tok dances. These mixes have been on high rotation throughout my time at home.

Mushroom Cottage– this mix is perfect for a vibed out day. Plays well when cooking or when just meandering about the house. 10/10 would recommend 😉

How Did That Make You Feel – my good friend Moshe created this mix and it went perfectly with a CBD spiked coffee and a day of repotting plants!

Chill– exactly what the name would imply; and we can all agree, a little chill goes a long way right now.


Look, I’ll spare you the podcasts of doom and gloom; those are easy to find so I‘ll let you curate that for yourself. This is a list of salacious storytelling that has ZERO to do with COVID19.

Cool Mules– drugs, VICE media and hipsters doing desperate things to stay “cool”; you definitely want to listen to this.

Fake Heiress- the one about the girl who conned all of New York’s elite with fashionable smoke and mirrors. Though I’m not an advocate for crime, this girl REALLY pulled one over everyone.

Wine Face – wine and storytelling- what else is needed. As I’m currently having to take a break from my beloved grapes, I haven’t listened in a minute, but I HIGHLY recommend.


Now, I can’t be sure that this will be live when you read this but, as the time of writing this, EA GAMES, is discounting SIMS4 to just $6.00; because if all else fails, immerse yourself in a fake, self created virtual reality.

And if nothing on this list suits your fancy, go back to bed until June…or get a puzzle 😉