
Butter Coffee 101 + Creamy Butterscotch Cafe Au Lait

Butter Coffee 101 + Creamy Butterscotch Cafe Au Lait

Butter coffee has been all the rage for a minute now, but I was hesitant. “Who puts butter in coffee?” 

Well I am now drinking my words, because I am in love with putting butter in my java; but before I share my AMAZING recipe, a few housekeeping notes about creating this interesting beverage.

Not Just Any Butter Coffee

You might be inclined to just cut a piece off your butter block, but please STOP. You can use any butter for this but if you want to harness the benefits of butter in coffee, you want to use ghee, or clarified butter. This type has had all the impurities skimmed off, which makes ghee vegan and gluten free! You’ll also want to use unsalted, because salted butter in your morning brew is NOT a thing.

Instant Butter Coffee Chic

Instant coffee is not my vibe, that said, my parents love it lol. And while I have no plans to become an instant coffee lover, adding ghee to instant coffee can take away some of the “blech” that can define instant coffee’s flavour profile. Instant is never my suggestion, but if it’s in your cup, you can still add butter.

Hot Only

It should go without saying that this is a hot item, cold coffee equals hard butter, which would be an unpleasant sip to say the least.

Butter(scotch) Cafe Au Lait

I have one of these everyday and thus haven’t been to a coffee shop in ages…making your Starbucks redundant, Butterscotch Cafe Au Lait.

1 cup brewed coffee, hot

¾ cup oat milk, warmed

1 tsp unsalted ghee

1 tbsp vanilla extract

1 tbsp collagen

1 tbsp raw honey or maple syrup

In a blender combine all the ingredients until the butter is well incorporated. Serve hot.

…this pairs perfectly with Chocolate Pumpkin Muffins 😉