Manifesting 101 : 7 Question to Realize Your Dreams

Manifesting 101 : 7 Question to Realize Your Dreams

A lot has changed for me in the last 3 years; from moving across the country and realizing my biggest dreams, to paying off my debt and FINALLY getting control of my life. And I 100% believe that I manifested this life I am living; but there is much ado about manifesting these days but it’s more than just wishing and hoping, manifesting is work.

I remember when I was ready for the “work”, but I didn’t know where to start. With SO MUCH information abound about manifesting our best lives, frankly, a lot of it is junk. I say this because I’ve tried it. A LOT of the information is incomplete, with people saying “babe, you’ve got to do the work”; but WTF is the work??

TRUTH IS, the work of manifesting is about determining WHO YOU ARE; and being honest with the good, the bad and the messy. Look, I get it, it’s really hard to look within and see where we fall short- it’s confronting; because we want to think the best of ourselves, but in order to get down to the “work” of manifesting you have to be honest about what you need to work on.

Manifesting 101- bianca at the marilyn denis studio

Using me as an example.

I used to be ruthless. I held grudges, held people to very high standards and when they failed, oh boy, I made them pay. When I looked within I realized I was like that with myself. Ruthless, held myself to IMPOSSIBLE standards and when I failed at something I wouldn’t let myself live it down, beating myself up OVER AND OVER without mercy. I realized that I needed to be more compassionate with myself, and when I learned to do that, I was able to extend this grace to others. 

Another example.

I used to be the BIGGEST gossip, and not the “catching up” kind, but the hurtful kind. And it wasn’t until I reconciled with the fact that I was so quick to talk about other people because I didn’t want to talk about myself- extreme fear of vulnerability- that I understood the root of this behaviour. So instead I’d pick out other people’s vulnerabilities or shortcomings and focus on that. It’s a lot easier to say to someone “omg, did you hear about so and so’s whatever”, instead of saying “I’m feeling really alone right now”. In the end, the latter is you being you, and, you should ALWAYS be yourself.

When I first started working on myself I carried a lot of guilt about who I was, and for waiting so long to work myself out- and this may be how you’re feeling; but the guilt is worthless in this journey, you’re here now.

manifesting 101 bianca and Marilyn Denis

So to begin the work of manifesting…

Be honest with yourself about where you are now.

  • Do you have the job you want? Why or why not? 
  • Are your relationships healthy and energizing? Why or why not? 
  • Are you inspired by your surroundings? Why or why not? 
  • Do you make a positive impact on people? Why or why not? 
  • Do you feel like life is leading you or are you leading your life? 
  • Are you happy? What makes you happy? 
  • Are you honest with yourself on a day to day basis?
  • If you could design the perfect life, what would it be? Does this resemble your life now?

These questions will trigger other questions that will help you understand WHO YOU ARE NOW, so that you can do the fundamental manifesting work on becoming who you want to be. Once you determine these answers the path will become clear.

  • If you don’t have the job you want, what is your dream job? What do you need to do to get it?
  • If your relationships aren’t energizing you, why? What can be changed?
  • If you are uninspired by your surroundings, what needs to shift? New decor, new place, new city?
  • If you feel like you have no impact, how can you impact ONE life right now?
  • If you aren’t happy, why? Do you need therapy? Do you need a hug? What makes you happy?
  • If you aren’t honest with yourself about your needs and desires, how can you create space for this in your life?
  • If your life isn’t perfect, what needs to change? Who do you need to become to realize this life?

Manifesting your best life is an active process, that isn’t always chanting and crystals, it’s work. Take the time and clear space to do this work, because it’s important. THIS is life design.