
Rice Noodle and Salt Rubbed Steak Salad on The Marilyn Denis Show

Rice Noodle and Salt Rubbed Steak Salad on The Marilyn Denis Show

Yup, you’re looking at the newest Cooking + Food Expert on the Marilyn Denis Show.

I love daytime television. This love dates back to when my paternal grandmother babysat me as a child and we would watch Cityline with Marilyn Denis EVERYDAY.

As my culinary career grew my aspirations were always to be on the daytime NATIONAL television, but not just any show, Marilyn Denis. And yesterday this dream is came true.

Yup, you read the correctly yesterday I filmed my first (of many) Marilyn Denis Show segments. Further proving that DREAM DO COME TRUE!

Today on Marilyn we talked about “Getting the Look for Less” and how we can beef up affordable cuts of meat; because making impressive meals that are on point and on budget is a “look” that we can all achieve.

A few of the things we didn’t talk about, which are just as good at beefing up affordable cuts of meat.


To avoid tough meat, throw your cut in the slow cooker to break down all those chewy fibres. Cooking the beef in a slow cooker is going to trap all the moisture of the meat and other ingredients inside, leaving you with a cut of steak that will melt in your mouth.


Pressure cooking has been enjoying a resurgence, for good reason- it’s amazing! Pressure cooking tenderizes meats in less than an hour. And if you’re scared of a pressure explosion in your face- something I was warned against as a child- don’t be, pressure cookers are safe as all get out these days.

  • Steak Salad SALT RUB

THIS IS EVERYTHING. And we talked about it on today’s episode of Marilyn, but I want it to live on this blog as well, because it’s THE culinary tip of 2019.

Here’s how to transform your humble flank steak into filet mignon.

  • A thick coating of salt, also known as a salt rub, on a cheap cut of meat is great for making steak tender and flavourful. I put this to the test by buying the least expensive cut I could find and making my own salt rub.

  • Coat the entire top with coarse salt and lets it sit out on the counter for one hour per inch the meat is thick. So if it is one inch thick, it sits out for an hour.

  • After you wash the salt off, pat it dry and cook it like you normally would. Throw on your favourite seasoning, but maybe leave out the salt this time.

NOTE: large grain coarse salt is a must for this process, otherwise the fine salt will soak too far into the meat and cause mushy meat.

steak salad


3 limes

2 tablespoons fish sauce

1  tablespoons coconut sugar

1 tablespoon vegetable oil

3/4 pound flat iron, flank, or skirt steak

1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper

8 ounces flat rice noodles, cooked, drained, and rinsed (* plus 1/2 cup coarse grain salt)

1 medium seedless cucumber, thinly sliced

2 carrots, thinly shaved

1/2 cup basil leaves

1/3 cup mint leaves

1/2 cup sesame seeds, coarsely chopped- or peanuts

*salt rub your steak for 45 minutes. Rinse and pat completely dry before use.


Finely shred zest from 2 of the limes; juice to get 1/4 cup of liquid. For dressing, in a small bowl whisk together lime juice, fish sauce, coconut sugar, 1 tablespoon water, oil and red pepper. In a large bowl combine noodles, lettuce, cucumber, carrots, basil, and mint.


Grill steak on rack of a covered grill directly over medium heat 15 to 18 minutes or until desired doneness. Cover. Let rest 5 minutes.


Thinly slice steak against the grain; arrange on salad. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Serve with dressing and remaining lime, cut into wedges.


Place steak in a resealable plastic bag. In a small bowl whisk together 1 Tbsp. of the fish sauce, 1 Tbsp. of the coconut sugar, lime zest, oil, and garlic. pour mixture over steak. Seal bag, turning to coat. Marinate in refrigerator 15 minutes or up to 24 hours. Drain; discard marinade and proceed with recipe as normal, omitting the salt rub portion of the recipe.